“Why Don’t Somebody” (1977) – Crazy Cavan ‘n’ the Rhythm Rockers

“Why Don’t Somebody” (1977) – Crazy Cavan ‘n’ the Rhythm Rockers * Written by Cavan Grogan and Lyndon Needs * LP: Our Own Way of Rockin’ * Produced by John Schroeder * Label: Charly

This Welsh group helped rally a seventies Teddy Boy revival in the UK which was also catching fire across mainland Europe. The late fifties Teddy Boy look was a suitable fit for the glitter-rock years, when layers of long hair could fold up into a greasy, stringy pompadour worn with an Edwardian gold lamé jacket and leather pants. Throughout most of that complicated decade, the English speaking world already nursed a general case of fifties nostalgia, but by the latter part of it into the early eighties, the “rockabilly revivalism” of groups like Crazy Cavan ‘n’ the Rhythm Rockers developed into more of a distinct genre that bordered on orthodox religion.

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