“Gloria (live)” (1977) – The Cortinas * Written by Van Morrison * LP: For Fucks Sake Plymouth * Label: Bristol Archive Records
The Bristol punk gang of five called the Cortinas, who were done by 1978 after two singles and a neglected studio album, are captured in this live show with a nuanced understanding of how the “Johnny” myth functioned in rock ‘n’ roll. Punk may have declared decimation as its ultimate end, but in this live recording the Cortinas demonstrate the persistence of certain traditional mandates. It doesn’t matter if they’re being ironic. They end with Larry Williams’ “Slow Down,” quote Jimi Hendrix’s “Third Stone from the Sun,” and use a cover of Them’s “Gloria” to introduce the band. It won’t spoil anything to reveal that lead singer Jeremy Valentine, now a professor of cultural theory at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, introduces all five members (starting at 1:44) as “Johnny.” He puts his whole heart into each introduction. He seems to know that they too were bye-bye shooting stars and that rockers didn’t need to physically die to play out the Johnny pattern. When you think about it, the majority of all rock musicians are Johnnys who all die in metaphorical ways at least, and then get reincarnated. The Cortinas knew this.