“It’s Forever” (1973) – The Ebonys * Written by Leon Huff * Produced by Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff * 45 B-side: “Sexy Ways” * LP: The Ebonys * Label: Philadelphia International Records * Charts: Billboard Hot 100 (#68); Billboard Soul (#14)
Among the jewels of early seventies Philly Soul, the Ebonys’ lesser known “It’s Forever” glitters with the best of them. The quartet originated in Camden, New Jersey, and built its sound on the interplay between the high tenor of David Beasley and the baritone of James “Booty” Tuten. They showed a flair for epic balladry similar to what the Dells were doing, with “It’s Forever” (written by Leon Huff) being their Exhibit A. The crucial, cascading vocal line that begins at :36 has since been sampled a time or two.